This story, drawn my from memoir Broke, Single, Crazy and Old, tells the story of my first (missed) encounter with the Lafayette Morehouse when I was in California from 1986-1988. The first Morehouse commune was founded in Oakland CA in 1968, and later they moved to another plot of land in Lafayette, CA. Victor Baranco, […]
06 – A lecture on sexual polarity: the great tragic flaw of masculine psychology
This is a chapter in my memoir, Broke, Single, Crazy and Old. Text version of this podcast here. There is a related article (more deep) called What Women Want: Towards a New Psychology of Love, Sex and Gender Relations, which is also available as a podcast.
04 – I have a dream: the social/political context of love and sex
This article is part of a an unpublished memoir. I present it here as an addendum to the What Women Want article, as it goes more deeply into the political theory or ideology that underlies much of my work around sexuality. The basic idea is that the fastest way to end patriarchy — and maybe even the ONLY way — is the reconciliation of men and women, leading to a lot more good sexual loving. Of course, we must first wake up to our essential nature, and understand that Western culture has us all hood-winked (duped) about the mature of our humanity and the causes of authentic happiness and success. My fundamental thesis is that increasing good sexual loving, will not only make us all much happier but will end patriarchy.
03b – What Women Want (audio version)
This is the podcast version of the article What Women Want: Towards a New Psychology of Love, Sex and Gender Relations. Abstract This paper is an attempt to redefine the concepts as “masculine” and “feminine” not as gender roles, but as psychological archetypes that affect all human relationships whether we are aware of them or […]